
40k Throwback: Eldar Army Lists Part 2: The Evolved Jetbike List

A While back I made this post about the evolution of my Eldar Jetbike army as it's moved through the codex. Or at least in this case, the Eldar jetbike list I ran from the 4th Edition codex and how it would have looked from the 3rd Edition book. This time I bring you my 6th Edition Eldar Codex Jetbike Army List.

Consider this post an appetizer, An Eldar Aspect Warrior review Podcast is in the works and will be up sometime this week.

Farseer with Jetbike, Runes of Warding, Runes of Witnessing, Spirit Stones of Anath'lan
Farseer with Jetbike, Runes of Warding, Runes of Witnessing, Singing Spear
Warlock Council (5 Warlocks) with Jetbikes x5, Singing Spears x2 

Windrider Jetbike Squad (6 Guardians) with Shuriken Cannons x2
Windrider Jetbike Squad (6 Guardians) with Shuriken Cannons x2
Windrider Jetbike Squad (6 Guardians) with Shuriken Cannons x2
Guardian Defender Squad (10 Guardians) with Shuriken Cannon Platform
              in Wave Serpent with Holofields and Twin-linked Starcannons
Guardian Defender Squad (10 Guardians) with Shuriken Cannon Platform
              in Wave Serpent with Holofields and Twin-linked Starcannons

Fast Attack
Crimson Hunter with Exarch Upgrade

Heavy Support
Fire Prism with Holofields
Fire Prism with Holofields
Nightspinner with Holofields

TOTAL 1994 Points 

The big change here is in tactics. The Seer Council as we knew it is a risky proposition. You might not get the powers you want or need to make the unit as effective. In that light, I will be taking three of the warlocks and placing them with the Windrider Jetbike Squads. At the very least they can take Conceal/Reveal and the unit will, most of the time (hopefully), have a 3+ cover save. Another thought revolves around dropping two of the jetbikes in the Warlock Council and putting those warlocks with the Guardian Defender squads then running the two Farseers in Windrider Squads as well. This tactic nets me 30 extra points and I haven't really decided on what else to add.

I'm still debating between 3 squads of 6 or 2 squads of 9 jetbikes, but I think 5 troops instead of 4 gives me more flexibility and a opportunity to grab objectives. I feel a lot more confident in my Guardians now and considered a tactics that involved rushing them forward and using Crystal Targeting Matrix(es?) to fire the Serpent shield and then sit on my 3+ cover save until next round, where the Guardians hop out and go to work.

The Nightspinner made it into the list again (as it had been in 5th Edition since it's release) Less effective at slowing the enemy than before but decidedly more killy, I'm given thought to trying it out again. The Fire Prisms are now some solid anti-land raider units and I'm more than happy to give up linked shots for the S9 AP1 Lance that it fires.

Had to lose the Vypers, a little sad by that. I think I may continue to tweak points and run Vypers with Scatter lasers and underslung Shuriken Cannons. The advantage here is that the Scatter lasers make the Shuriken Cannons Twin-linked and the whole set-up cranks out a significant amount of shots. Maybe I'll lose the Nightspinner or the Crimson Hunter to make room for this unit. 

The only thing I'm disappointed with is the Crimson Hunter. I really think they dropped the ball with the Eldar flyers. So expensive and yet so easily dead, I was really banking on some sort of Eldar trick or device that kept these guys in the skies, but with no ability to take even Holo-fields, I don't know how I'm going to keep this thing on the table long enough to hunt down Helldrakes and Necron Flying Croissants. Manueverability and Range I guess, and hopefully clearing out every bolter carrying model before the Crimson Hunter hits the table. My high hopes of having the Top Gun Institute of Eldar Aspect Warriors is dashed... sorry Maverick, I can't be your wingman.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I feel the same way you do about the Crimson Hunter. The best plan I have come up with (haven't tried it yet though) is to take a Bastion as a fortification. Why Bastion? Because units using it for cover get a 3+ save. Bring the Crimson Hunter in right behind the Bastion and get a 3+ cover save against Interceptor fire. Plus, your Fire Prisms and such will have a 2+ cover save from the Bastion as well. This sets up a little fire base nicely.
    I have found the six man jet bike squadrons to be the right size. Nine is just too bulky to move around effectively. My favorite has always been to throw a Warlock in there as a 7th bike. The S9 from the Singing Spear jives well with them and a random psychic power is a good benefit too. Though, I always seem to roll the one that increases their Run distance. But at least the Primaris power of Conceal is good for bikes.
